I can vouch for this guy. Henry has tutored me for the past few months and i've definitely seen an enormous improvements in my 3 unit results. He explains concepts very clearly and has an extensive knowledge in the course.
Trust me you should definitely try out a fountain pen. I first told myself i would never touch that god forsaken pen. But when i tried it out i fell in love and i have been usingi t ever since. My writing has been heaps neat and the smoothness of the ink and the confort of the pen is unmatched...
Yeah I don't mind doing that. Because it sounds interesting. I only fear english because it is boring and does not interest me. However I would devour something i would enjoy
yeah im kinda leaning to combined law. Cause i fear actuarial studies has a lot of asian nerd dudes however i think law would have more attractive females. I really wanna PARTY WITH THE BITCHES!!!!!!! I heard USYD is the party central for uni's? Is it true?
PLEASE HELP me through your infinite wisdom BOSers!
i am at a crossroad within my life and i cannot decide what to do!?
Please help me decide by answering some queries i have for the courses:
1. I want to be a management consultant/ consultant (mergers and acquisitions) and i am wondering...