Recent content by surjulz

  1. S

    Does God exist?

    ...but God isn't indifferent to our choice not to acknowledge him, at the heart of the concept of sin is the idea that we are in rebellion against God. this isn't just some abstract notion of rejecting God, but this also leads to actions that are unjust, and which need to be dealt with, and from...
  2. S

    Does God exist?

    The reason I quote the bible is that I think it describes God, I don't expect everyone to agree with this though. From what I gather from your post you are saying that for God to be perfectly benevolent, the state of the world would have to be one without suffering for all time periods and...
  3. S

    Does God exist?

    I think God is on the side of the poor though, there are a lot of verses in the bible about it. But the bible makes clear that God did hold the wealthy to account to the way they treated the poor in the old testement. I suppose on a conceptual level the reason strict rawlsianism isn't necesary...
  4. S

    Does God exist?

    I don't think I said human beings are incapable of good, God did create man in His image and gave him responsibility to govern this world, so they are certainly capable of doing good things of their own means. However to go back to my earlier point, no human is perfect in the sight of God...
  5. S

    Does God exist?

    wow this thread has grown in my absence just quickly my comments about hedonism were directed at dawkins argument, not people on this board. no I don't think athiests are without values and ethics, but ultimately no person is perfect, which is where Jesus comes into it. Boris you asked for...
  6. S

    Does God exist?

    I don't base my faith on miracles, but there are plenty of examples out there it you search for them online. For example Bono (the U2 guy) grew up in Ireland in the late 70s, in a time when heroin was taking hold of youth culture in Dublin. Bono along with Edge and Larry, were part of the...
  7. S

    Does God exist?

    I believe by and large that the "forces of nature" do govern our universe, but if you mean by miracles does God intervene in our world (ie does he answer prayer etc) then I do believe that. If you mean by miracles something along the lines "Did Jesus really heal the sick, be raised from the...
  8. S

    Zomg! AWAs will be banned by MIDNIGHT TONIGHT!!

    mate they would have heard that down in Canberra! actually I do wonder if any last minute AWA's were taken tonight!
  9. S

    Does God exist?

    Considering this thread in its form, it's obvious that some people find the idea of God offensive. actually judging from the length and effort people put into their responses there is a lot of interest in the existence of God, probably because of the implications this could have on life and...
  10. S

    Zomg! AWAs will be banned by MIDNIGHT TONIGHT!!

    If you believe in free markets then AWA's were the right policy. I think work choices left poorer people vulnerable, but I'm making up my mind about AWA's
  11. S

    Does God exist?

    well I don't disagree with what you've just said...
  12. S

    Does God exist?

    but how can you be so certain that perfect rationality would disprove "religion"? if God did make the universe there is no arbitary reason to believe he wouldn't reveal himself to his own creation.
  13. S

    Does God exist?

    to look at the other questions from a Christian POV I don't like being generalised as someone who would go around killing for my faith, and there is a difference between faith and religious pride (which made Jesus angry and was the reason he didn't like the established religious establishment...
  14. S

    how do ppl study for ECON110 and HRM107?

    from memory my tutour said "memorise the diagrams", that was the hardest part of the subject. but as long as you knew what they meant you would okay. Do they still use the Rod O'Donnell text for this? that book was quite hard to read through, but the chapter summaries were useful.