Reading, writing poems and short stories, watching anime, playing video games
- Gender
- Academic Programme
Music 1, Physics, Chemistry, English Advanced, English Extension 1, Mathematics
- Educational Institution
Montgrove College
- Political Views
- Favourite Music
Musical theatre (e.g. Wicked, Phantom of the Opera), classical, country pop Taylor Swift, The Script, My Chemical Romance, Green Day, video game music (e.g. Final Fantasy)
- Favourite TV Shows
Sherlock BBC, Merlin BBC, Avatar: The Last Airbender, One Piece, Code Geass
- Favourite Movies
How to Train Your Dragon films, Howl's Moving Castle, Swan Princess, Peter Pan (2003)
- Favourite Books
Lord of the Rings series, The Belgariad series, The Mallorean series, Mistborn trilogy, Crowthistle Chronicles, Obernewtyn Chronicles, The Reckoners Trilogy, Old Kingdom trilogy
- Future Plans
- Industry Interests
Arts/Entertainment/Sport & Rec, Education, Healthcare/Medical, Science/Biotechnology
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