Recent content by StalinWasCuteInHis20s

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    Selling HSC Textbooks!

    Hi all i have a lot of physical textbooks that I no longer need. Selling them ALL for $20/each (or $35/each if you do not want to worry about postage). These textbooks RRP are all $40-50+ so a good deal. They are: Maths: Cambridge Extension 1 Year 12 by William Pender Pearson New Senior...
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    Economics and Modern History Past Papers

    Selling drives of Economics HSC papers papers (20+) and Modern History past papers. Comprehensive course notes still selling as per my thread but a few have asked about past papers so this is an additional offering! Price negotiable, PM me! Cheers
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    96 Mod and Eco Notes | 99.80+ ATAR

    Yes I do have internals, mostly 2018-2022. Schools include baulko and some private school ones
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    96 Mod and Eco Notes | 99.80+ ATAR

    $20 for all, $7.50 per module but happy to negotiate
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    I've got subject selections coming up and i can't decide if i want to do modern history or economics

    For me, I memorised essays for my USSR and Indochina topics as there were only 7-8 total possible questions they could ask. So I wrote essays for them, got them marked by my teacher and then just memorised. For the nazi module (the common module), I practiced source analysis and made extensive...
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    I've got subject selections coming up and i can't decide if i want to do modern history or economics

    i did both mod and eco (got 96 for both). And found eco more enjoyable as it had more applicable elements. Mod was pure memorising
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    how to state rank english

    I second this: i didnt state rank english but got a high band 6 and i found reading/buying/asking teachers for exemplars of previous high band 6 or state ranking materials to be particularly helpful - you actually know what markers like afterwards
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    96 Mod and Eco Notes | 99.80+ ATAR

    I might be a bit late to game here and I'm not sure how this forum works but I did pretty well in Eco (96) and Modern History (96) in HSC and I think my notes could help some people? I'm not much of a salesperson (I saw these notes on my desktop when clearing files) but I am quite happy to sell...
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    English Advanced Band 6 Essays

    yea nah $25/essay is crazy respectfully....
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    Humanities Help

    lmao just PM me cut out the middle man/woman lol
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    Humanities Help

    Quite honestly, I think: For Economics: - Subscribe to some news outlet like AFR or SMH to be up to date with news, stats, events etc. - Tutoring for eco is often just reading notes written by someone else - Notes can be useful but only if that is your study method For Modern History: -...
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    Need Guidance in Tutoring| ACE vs ZHANG vs MATRIX vs PEAK

    Personally I did matrix for chem and found it more than enough to score myself a band 6
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    Economics vs Modern History

    Economics involves more "maths", harder concepts, and harder links to make between different concepts and hence scales better. Modern history is more pure memorisation. Yes I have done both and got 95+ for both.