Recent content by Smile and Love

  1. S

    Internal transfer as an alternate pathway to Uni.

    Hey, I do not know about other universities, but I do know that Macquarie University allows you to transfer from b.arts to b.arts and provided you have a credit average... here check this out: It was from this year's info day :D hope it helps...
  2. S

    Legal Studies help :S

    Fernando’s case led to the passing of the Crimes (Forensic Procedures) Act 2000(NSW)...don't know much about the case but that's what we were given as an example for legal...hope it helpss
  3. S

    What did you choose for your HSC subjects?

    This is my first post.. i choose • 2U Maths • Adv English • Economics • Legal Studies • Business Studies • Society and Culture ________________________________________________ ATAR AIM: 98.5-99.5