i wanna try to get into law and economics ,, im currently doing engineering at uws but im not sre what makes i will need to recieve an off cos engineering is pretty dry : )
does anyone know what makes i should be getting?
ok lets get sum thigs straight.
i finished my HSC last year.
my atar was 88
i dnt use this site often cos i life , so i dnt give a site bout details
every1 else who is doing their HSC , u got sum stuff to learn, i got my olds schols principle and last years dux who got 99.95 to check this...
Congratulations, you are about the face the much dreaded HSC.
As HSC survivor I made this guide to help you understand, plan and get organised for the longest two years of your life.
First things first.
When your start Preliminary HSC in year 11. The Board of Studies rules...
heyy ppl
ok i just finished hsc nd i didnt get into law
so i went to the open day and they said i can transfer frm B eco into B eco / law in my second year.
but im not sure bout the credit transfer nd if i get advanaced standing for it .
and will it take the same amount of time if i just...
heyy ppl
ok i just finished hsc nd i didnt get into law
so i went to the open day and they said i can transfer frm B eco into B eco / law in my second year.
but im not sure bout the credit transfer nd if i get advanaced standing for it .
and will it take the same amount of time if i just...
can anyone suggest a good testbook to go through to help with english
like i dnt want one about
the texts we had to study
but a text book bout textual features and essay writing
i go to a public skol u nigga
don u understand that even if you go to bualkum hills high or a selective school
ur not gonna survive in da real world, bitch
meet me at blacktown station 2morroow night
nd cum naked
den u will c if u survive
omg uu srsly gotta relax
first of all if ur dat dependent on ur teacher ur F@$K in life
nd it anit the end of the world
i do general maths nd my teacher cant speak english so i dnt understand wat shes saying but i still learn
just use txt books nd other resources