Preliminary Courses (2016)
Maths 2U /// Maths Ext. 1 /// English (Standard) /// Information Processes and Technology /// Software Design & Development /// Physics /// Hospitality
HSC courses (2017)
79 Maths 2U
68 English (Standard)
87 Information Processes and Technology
87 Software Design & Development
66 Physics
[I dropped Ext.1 Maths half-way through Year 12. Dropped Hospitality at the end of Year 11]
ATAR: 72.50 (I could have done so much better if I hadn't been worried about other things...)
2 Majors in B.IT or combined B.Business / B.IT?
Reading, writing, drawing, doing mini personal projects.
Waiting on HSC Results => Aiming for combined degree: Bachelor of Information Technology / Bachelor of Business
Educational Institution
Aiming for Newcastle Uni
Political Views
Favourite Music
A range of music
Favourite TV Shows
Heroes, Supernatural, Z Nation, Vikings, The Mist, Scream, Stranger Things, Pokemon, Avatar: Last Air-bender & Legend of Korra, many other shows (most likely found on Netflix)
Favourite Movies
Lion King, Balto, Spirit, Brother Bear, Narnia, All Dogs go to Heaven, Oliver & Company, classic movies I used to watch as a kid
Favourite Books
'Warriors' (by Erin Hunter), 'Last Dragon Chronicles' (by Chris d'Lacey), 'Beka Cooper' (by Tamora Pierce), 'Inheritance Cycle' (by Christopher Paolini), 'Chronicles of Ancient Darkness' (by Michelle Paver), 'Gone' (by Micheal Grant), Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Maze Runner, Percy Jackson, and many other books.
Favourite Quote
"Challenges are what make life interesting, overcoming them is what makes life meaningful" - J.J. Marine
I am obsessed with quotes.
Future Plans
Industry Interests
Graphic Design/Multimedia, IT, Telecommunications
2017 HSC Courses
Standard English | Advanced Maths | Physics | Software Design and Development | Information Processes and Technology
Bachelor of Information Technology / Bachelor of Business @ UON starting 2018