Recent content by sarah889

  1. sarah889

    "Special Provisions" BS!

    yer you do and she got hers approved by a phsiotherapist, if she writes too fast her hand "gets sore"
  2. sarah889

    "Special Provisions" BS!

    Its just discusting, that people out there do this
  3. sarah889

    "Special Provisions" BS!

    My girlfriend just got special provisions for her HSC, which means for every half an hour she is entitled to an extra 5 minutes! thats alot when you think about how short for time we are, especially in english. She also has 15 minutes where she can just get up and leave to get a drink and walk...
  4. sarah889

    Yr 11 performance

    just got all my results back 12/15 for english (2nd in the year) 8/10 for ex english (2nd in the year) 40/41 for 2U maths (1st) 52/54 for ex maths (1st) 60/64 for legal (1st) 23/25 for software development and design (1st) studies of religion, have not got these marks back, but im expecting...
  5. sarah889

    ext english related texts gothic.

    but we are not talking about what you find confusing, rather what is MORE gothic the movie is definately the way to go harry potter is also worth considering, it has dark elements
  6. sarah889

    What's your fav subject so far?

    my fav subject was sex ed, it was a shame i couldnt persue it in year 11
  7. sarah889

    Maths Dillema - To drop, or not to drop?

    it seems to me like you should definately drop maths. My friend contemplated dropping it last year and now regrets but you should make the decision from your heart, if maths is not your passion do not pursue it
  8. sarah889

    Nigger Please

    i think you have misunderstood the purpose of the novel. It is not to insult negroes, rather promote them in a positive light ??
  9. sarah889

    Nigger Please

    bitch please!! you wud think they would edit nigger out and replace it with something else like negro
  10. sarah889

    How long are your classes??

    if find this hard to believe
  11. sarah889

    How long are your classes??

    our school divides the day up in 3 periods before recess, before lunch and after lunch Every day we have 3 classes that fit into each of those, and they go for about 1hr 50 each
  12. sarah889

    ext english related texts gothic.

    the movie is probably a better option...