Recent content by pheel

  1. pheel

    Special Volume

    oh wow, iSplicer, how did you know? its in the integration topic, and I never understood how to do it.
  2. pheel

    Special Volume

    I've never seen a question where they have given you the area, but haven't given you the formula. Can't use similar area either , because it goes back down... or can you ? hmm, is it possible to derive the formula for the area ?
  3. pheel

    Unit Circle

    @ nightweaver066 Thanks for the info! makes perfect sense, and for above, what does the unit circle go if its not here? :S @all , how "important" is the unit circle in the HSC. I mean is it a major topic, or very small, like induction?
  4. pheel

    Unit Circle

    Hey all, this is my first post, and please dont flame at me, if anything, please correct me in anything i'm wrong. Okay, I go to Ngo & Sons Tutoring, [more commonly known as Troungs]. I got put into the acceralted class, missed out on the entire Mathematical Induction Topic. Forgot to say I'm...