I am doing BE(ICT Software) and might do an elective this summer.... Can someone suggest me an elective which might be offered this summer and should be an easy one to do!!......
Even I m facin the same problem, I thought it would be up by now but still it is result withheld. I also gave the special exam...I emailed the coordinator but she is not available instead she wants me to email someone else who again is on holidays lol....
well if I remember the autumn semester results, the msa went offline before the results were released......was it a technical fault or is it meant to go that way??
I hope we get the results by midnight.
"Exams Results will be released on the UTS Web Site on Wednesday 17th December. Students can access their examination results after 5.00pm through My Student Admin" <<<-- The exam guide at the bottom of this page
(UTS: Centrally-conducted exams, Student admin) says so!!
best of luck !!
bro wait till 22 m also cmin as m not sure of my physics knowledge lol......do u know any questions dat were asked plz post thx....as so I could have an idea of vat to expect der......pllz
ok I got a lol timetable in here.....I ve lectures from 9 to 12 and then the next class is at 6-9 pm.I cant change it as its already full......ma home is 1.15 hrs away frm uni....y all this looooool happenin to me .........I asked faculty director bout this he told me I can swap my timee...
Hey Guys m facin sme problem with understandin timetables....
So here it is
1..Do most of u havin classes(comp,lectures,tuts) 5 days a week..
2.in my subject activities under week section for example is written
Math Mod 1
Lec 1
27/2 - 9/4
is that mean I ve...
I ll be arrivin der in Sydney on 13th...So I ll attend the Ocamp on 22nd...I ve to reach for enrolment on 15th....Can I attend the orientation on 19th...but the UTS site where we have to choose dates and stuff is showin only 1 date dat is 22nd..I guess all the previous dates are...
kk Here is vat I am assumin...I chked out Math and Physics modellin subjects.They include topics which I ve done in my year 12 HSC so they ll not be much of a problem as I remember most of it..So I m assumin dat diagnostic test will include topics dat were der in my year 11 HSC an dat will be a...