^What classicjimbo said. Not sure how much it's changed though since I did this course 4 years ago, but the camp was awesome - it made the course to be honest. If you study earth sciences, it's a wam booster. If you're thinking of doing it as a gened though, I'd have to warn you that it is a...
GEOS2291 - Ground and Surface Water
Content: 6/10
Lecturers: Bryce 7/10, Kingsford 6/10, Baker 7/10, Adam 6/10
Overall: 6/10
Exam was a killer.
GEOS3141: Mineral and Energy Resources
Content: 8/10
Lecturers: Too many to rate, overall were 7-8/10
Overall: 8/10
No exam (for geos) and interesting...
Since there isn't many reviews of GEOS courses here (besides above, and one that I saw ages ago), figured it might help any budding geos or earth science peeps.
GEOS2171 - Earth Structures
Lecturer: Paul Lennox - 6/10
His lectures are sometimes alright, other times boring as hell. His voice is...
BABS1201 textbook - Very minimal wear and tear, however I have highlighted a few chapters during the time when I actually studied :P This textbook is used for both BABS1201 and BIOS1101 in semester 2. Selling for $30.
To those who are going to major/already majoring in Biological sciences, I...
Hey jazzy, sorry for the late reply, I don't come on here often, but if it's not too late I have a small collection of French textbooks and grammar books from semester 1 French (Arts1480 I think?), and if you're interested I'll organise something. PM me if you're still interested!
The provisional maths marks have been released on the maths/stats portal for MATH1041, they were there this morning. I'd assume it'd be the same for the other maths courses too :/
I won't repeat my science subjects, since it's all pretty much been said.
ARTS1480- Introductory French 1A
Ease- 4/10: I've been told that French is an easy language to learn due to the similarities between it and English. But because the course has been revised this year- new coordinator...
Hmmm, probably should, but I can't be bothered to go into uni now seeing as I don't have to, I might go at the start of next semester.
Lol I saw those posters too :spin: First time I saw them I was like 'Wha..?'...
And what the heck, no clear bags for pens, pencils etc?? Why did they not tell...
Hmmm question here; My student card still says 'NAwd', while most people I've met have their degree of study, should I change it? Or does it not matter?
Ohhh yes it is... Nyaw so close lol. Apparently we're in the same 7-8 lecture on Thursday, but I'm wondering whether my willpower to stay for it is that strong... :S