Recent content by maxx_92

  1. M

    Half yearlies

    Ours is in 4 weeks =S we don't have the timetable yet but i hear it's spread through two weeks. Good luck everyone!
  2. M

    Downloading Songs

    i use frostwire...but it stuffs up from time to time appx. 2x every month
  3. M

    Barbara kruger artwork

    Does anyone know what year "Who's The fairest of them all" was made? i'm finding it difficult to find it. I need this artwork for my appropriation =) if anyone knows please hit me up. thanks!
  4. M

    Kyle and Jackio radio stunt

    I don't see why the mum had to ask her again about the sex question when she knew she was raped..why would she even think of bringing her daughter to a radio station and hooking her up with the lie detector asking very personal and very degrading questions? stupid b!+CH.
  5. M

    should i?

    At the moment i'm doing Advanced English and i'm getting average results BUT i'm thinking of maybe dropping to standard next year so it's easier for me. Is it better to have a possibility of failing adv english in the hsc but the subject scales higher or do well in standard even if it scales...
  6. M

    What did you choose for your HSC subjects?

    hmm i'm doing: Bio Gen Maths Adv Eng (but i'm thinking of dropping to standard) Visual Arts Business Studies of Religion IPT-maybe?
  7. M

    Hsc Visual Arts Bow

    Wow at both the collection of work and the film...i hope i can achieve something as good as either of these work.