LOL. Conflict in the pacific was good tho, it was similar to the CSSA trial question. :)
Did anyone else here do Japan for national study and Hirohito for personality?
Hey guys,
What do you think the band 6 raw would be this year?
The general consensus on BOS seems to be the exam was im guessing it might be 86/87..?
but I read:
"Most carbon dioxide enters the red blood cells and is combined with water to form bicarbonate ions (HCO3-). Some is attached to haemoglobin molecules in red blood cells and a small percentage is transported in plasma as dissolved CO2."
But I think it might...
Re: Hsc 2009 bio exam
Overall the exam was okay. (haha...i don't want to say anything to jinx my results :P)
I'm glad there wasn't anything on transpiration/translocation ><!