1. Firstly, and most importantly - CHILLAX!!! Take it easy, don't have an uber competitive, ultra-nerdy attitude, please. The ppl I know who did best were chilled out all the way through YR 11 and 12, had lives, and were not study machines.

You don't want to peak too early and have nothing in the tank for Yr 12.
2. I'm afraid, that since I know nothing about you - what electives of Modern you're doing, what kind of student you are, and what your school is like - I probably won't be able to help you very much. THere is no formula to being a great Modern Student, nor a one size fits all study approach. Everyone studies differently, and what works for one person might not work for another.
- Generally though, pay attention in class, develop an active interest in what you're studying, go beyond the reading material and check out books relating to the topic to gain extra perspectives and knowledge, and make notes as you go.
Regards, Wendy.