I had ADHD and Dispraxia as a kid, I got over it now and im trying to apply myself to school more ^^
I play tennis and Rugby.. I play table tennis, pool, chess, uno, checkers and poker with friends... Gl and hf with HSC
Tennis, Rugby, Warcraft 3, Chess, Checkers, Talking on MSN!!, Girls (obviously ;D unless ur a really cute guy;D) and other stuff... na not really ;D
- Birthday
Oct 16, 1992
(Age: 32)
- Location
Gladesville, Sydney
- Gender
- Academic Programme
Modern History, Advanced English, General Math, Geography, Studies of Religion 1, Business Services
- Educational Institution
Newington College
- Political Views
- Favourite Music
I like good music from most mainstream genres...
but I particularly like screamo / hardcore, bands like, this list is pretty old its probably double in size now....but i cbf updating, its just from my old myspace
in no order :From Autumn to ashes, Underoath, blessthefall, funeral for a friend, bullet for my valentine, the used, haste the day, saosin, Escape the fate, finch, story of the year, My
- Favourite TV Shows
I don't watch tv that much but, my sister watches Gossip Girl, Glee, Kyle XY, Secret life of the American Teenager, The Simpsons, Family Guy, Futurama, King of the hill, American Dad, Law and Order SVU...
- Favourite Movies
mehhh, good movies that aren't stupid
- Favourite Quote
"The world is your oyster, but you can't crack it open on a mattress" - Death of a Salesman, Arthur Miller
- Occupation
- Future Plans
- Industry Interests
Consulting, Legal
Modern History - Apathy kills..
General Maths - BAHAHHAHA Man, if I don't get 100% ima cry?
Advanced English - Another easy subject.. I just hope my exam results reflect my ability TT
Geography - fahkkk bombed my first test 13/20, rly angry 
Business Services - BAHAHHAHAHAHAH Teacher is retarded, Subject is retarded, make me study for the easiest subject in the world BAH
Studies of Religion 1 - Very easy first test 19/20
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