English (Paper 1) Catholic Paper
how did people find it?
well my not catholic but for some reason we are doing the Catholic exams...
ummm Section 1 was extremely random.
Section 2 i was happy with the idea of picking one of the two pictures.
Section 3 lovely.
overall i liked it
oh shit dude now your scaring me.
not what i want to hear 2 days out from my trial.
well *fingers crossed* if i do it well then it doesn't matter.
im doing She's Leaving Home by The Beatles a song which is amazing.
sonny bill williams is a dirty grub.
but he is a freak.
i highly advice you search 'sonny bill williams' in youtube and watch the first video.
SBW loves me the media on his back and he loves creating a stir "eg. comments about MG"
i hope that he becomes stranded and can't play rugby or...