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  • jimmy how to survive yr 11? its the third day of yr 11 and im staying home because i genuinely cannot handle the workload and stress. some of the content on particular subjects i do, are so conufsing and i cant really ask anyone about it. infact, how am i even going to make through these exams? any tips? im like literally so drained and its only been 3 days.
    oh no i hope u feel better
    Make sure to take regular breaks and remember that none of your results in year 11 count towards your HSC results or your ATAR, so making mistakes at this stage is completely fine. When you start to feel better, I would suggest making a list of what you don't understand and see who might be able to help.

    Generally speaking, your teachers should be the first people to contact about concerns with subject content, but I would also recommend asking your questions on BoS! :D
    why isnt there a block option on bos, i dont want SOMEONE messaging me
    someone i know got n awarded for ext math (they submitted the work 2 days after - even tho it should be a week later an n award is issued)
    if they resolve that n award n drop the subject will it still go towards their hsc saying 'they had an n award but resolved it' or its like a fresh new page?
    Yes its 12 ext math, they’re going to make the teacher remove it for being ‘unfair’ (idk they know their business)
    oh ok so if they drop it its all good? How abt it they dont drop it?
    If they don't drop the subject, and the N award happens, the subject won't count, which can put their ATAR eligibility at risk depending on how many units they have. If the N award is removed, there won't be any problems.
    n awards are a scam. I was targeted with an n award for not doing homework like a drone, yet i was one of four to recieve a band 6 in Math Advanced.
    hi can you please predict and tell what raw mark of 60 in math ext 2 will be aligned/have atar contribution of considering it was one of the easiest of the new syllabus. also considering the school I go to has really bad ranking (tried searching it up and idek what its ranked probably 500 tbh) thanks
    If you were ranked first internally then you should be fine, especially if you also achieve the highest HSC exam mark in your cohort.

    Since ATAR Compass was made by UAC, the same people who perform scaling and ultimately determine students' ATAR, it is likely the most accurate compared to other ATAR calculators.
    You can generally expect less than 1 ATAR point difference between estimated and actual ATAR, but I would also recommend asking others about how different their actual ATAR was compared to their estimated ATAR for greater insight.
    okay tysm for ur help 🙂
    being a moderator must get way harder around the hsc huh

    i'm just seeing all these predictions you're pumping out jeez louise youre overworked
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    My contributions are separate from me being a Moderator. I try to help when and where I can. Being a Moderator is more related to my responsibilities in terms of helping manage the site, which does indeed become more demanding during the HSC exam period. :)
    Hey what do you do now with a bachelor of commerce? Because I don’t know what u can do with this qualification? Would it be a good degree if I want to start a business in the future? Thank you 🤩
    Hey there, a Bachelor of Commerce is multifaceted in that there are many fields that it covers. I majored in HR myself and that's my career trajectory, but others with a Bachelor of Commerce can study and end up in other fields, such as marketing, finance, business analytics, etc.

    You can start a business with any degree (or even without one), although a Bachelor of Commerce would inherently provide you with a good understanding of running a business. You can also tailor a Bachelor of Commerce towards the goal of running a business by completing entrepreneurship-related units or studying an entire entrepreneurship major.

    I hope this helps! :D
    yeah i wont do this degree then lol
    Jimmy, I have reason to believe you may watch football (soccer as our NA counterparts call it) if you do whats your fav player and team, this will determine a lot bout you if you do watch football.
    Do you ever get sick of these atar predictions or do you generally enjoy this? Btw if you actually enjoy this as a hobby you are a psycho Jimmy :hippie:
    Hey Jimmysmith560 was wondering if you could predict my atar. My school was ranked 138 last year and 126 the year before.

    Here are my rankings:

    1/40 in Economics- 1 band 6 last year
    1/61 in Business Studies- 5 band 6's last year
    9/29 in Physics- 2 band 6's last year
    13/170 in English Advanced- 22 band 6's last year
    16/40 in Math Advanced- 5 band 6's last year
    Hi everyone, for those of you tagging me/messaging me for assistance, I will do my best to respond to every single query as soon as I get the chance. 😀🙌🏻
    Hey Jimmysmith560 was wondering if you could predict my atar. My school was ranked 138 last year and 126 the year before.

    Here are my rankings:

    1/40 in Economics- 1 band 6 last year
    1/61 in Business Studies- 5 band 6's last year
    9/29 in Physics- 2 band 6's last year
    13/170 in English Advanced- 22 band 6's last year
    16/40 in Math Advanced- 5 band 6's last yea
    Do you ever plan on retiring your mod role in the near future?
    While I have become less active over the years, I think I am still able to make contributions at this stage, so I'll be around and remain a Moderator. :D
    btw random question but around how many people partake in bos trials every year?
    Maths trials are usually either full or near full, so anywhere from 40-50 students. Business Studies and Physics ran for the first time last year. There were 13 students for Business Studies and 40 for Physics.
    Hi Jimmy, i usually dont ask for advice but im really stuck,
    by the way u answer to ppl u seem to understand the nesa rules, do you mind replying to my latest post plz? My friend n i are very desperate n we need someone who knows the ways of nesa! Thank you so much you dont know how much it means to me if someone can give me an answer!!
    Hi jane1820, feel free to let me know what you need help with here. :)
    My friend n i did a stupid mistake n decided to skip english today n got caught by the deputy principal
    we have a commerce assignment due the first day of term 4 n so today was counted as the ‘day before’
    per nesa’s rules we cant be away and/or late the day of or the day before an assignment is due (we‘re in yr 10)
    does skipping class also fall under this category? would we get a zero/n-award?
    thank you so much
    It's to do with your ability to complete the course and satisfy its completion criteria. Skipping class can become problematic if it happens regularly, because it technically prevents you from achieving those outcomes, by missing out on classwork. As such, you may be at risk of an N-Award.
    Hi Jimmy!

    Do you know if there's anything wrong with the BoS website at the moment? It's been quite slow for a couple of users :(
    Jimmy I just wanted to inform you that I'm still your biggest fan
    got it, low external performance from me. I understand now, so the external performance plays no role whatsoever in the moderation of internals. It's mainly just cohort averages and mark gaps, and if you are ranked last or first it's mark matching. But even then there is alignment and scaling and all that stuff. Got it
    I meant in that hypothetical scenario, a low external performance from me. Sorry for confusing you Jimmy.. thanks a lot man. You do a lot of good, helping confused students such as myself
    No worries Axelot! Always happy to help! Let me know if you have any other questions. Wishing you the best! 😀
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