I have to say you have chosen very well my friend

-OmGeee we Cn Totes b BfFls 4eVa and eVa in our lecturesssss.
Anyways.... I'm also tossing up between worl pol and intro to pol. science. I've heard a couple of bad things about world pol being really repetitive and stuff but i'm also afraid intro to pol sci will be too Aussie-centered-let's admit it, international things are much more interesting
I did Geo pol, Economics as a social science and intro to sociology as well as modern european history for 1st semester.
And then yeah intro to pol sci (for now), international economy and finance, intro to sociology 2 and twentieth century european history. woooohooo.
I'm really not too sure about history anymore though, the counter course booklet-thing seemed pretty convincing in talking down the history department so idk, might go with philosophy or arabic/spanish instead-we shall see..!