Recent content by Jess100uai

  1. J

    studying for economics

    Actually teaching topics 3 and 4 first makes a lot of sense cause its sorta relevant to preliminary topics! AND topic 1 and two needs a lot of recent statistics, so it saves the effort of looking for new stats when the hsc and trials comes around
  2. J

    Selling Yr 12 Textbooks

    Ext 2 Maths Past Papers (Coroneus Publications) 1990-2008 (500 pg) - $25 Dot Point Physics (workbook) - $10 $25 for both ? =D
  3. J

    hahaha hello kevin =D

    hahaha hello kevin =D
  4. J

    2/3/4 U MATHS TUTORING [98 4U 2008 HSC]- Campsie/Burwood Area

    Hey , I started yr 12 .. and i want that 98 =] looking to study ahead in 4u maths in the summer holidays Do you do home tutoring or do i travel ? my email is
  5. J

    Essential Books for the HSC

    anyone have any suggestions for english, geography or economics ? ? ? study guides or notes or something
  6. J

    Essential Books for the HSC

    ive got a dymocks gift card i want some books for the HSC any recommendations ? books that you found useful? im am studying : 3u maths adv english geography economics physics engineering studies tyty if you reply