I sing, I play guitar and I do other stuff. Made enough songs for a couple of albums, but that's about it really. Oh, yeah: I am an introvert too.
singing, guitar, music, sport and stuff.
- Gender
- Academic Programme
Drama, pdhpe, cafs, standard english, biology, studies of religion I
- Educational Institution
Avondale School
- Political Views
- Favourite Music
anything I can sing to (except country/ western and I can't stand opera.)
- Favourite TV Shows
DOnt't watch tv
- Favourite Movies
Lovely Bones and the Bourne series. I hate romance movies. They annoy the crap out of me.
- Favourite Books
Red wall series, any murder mysteries...
- Favourite Quote
"Introverts may be shy, but they are fiercely loyal to whomever they choose for a close friend" Einstein
- Future Plans
Private college
- Industry Interests
Arts/Entertainment/Sport & Rec, Childcare, Education, Fashion/Beauty, Graphic Design/Multimedia, Healthcare/Medical