Recent content by hmoran

  1. hmoran

    ADFA help us out

    The thing is my school won't let me change subjects now.
  2. hmoran

    ADFA help us out

    Hey guys, I want to be an Air Combat Officer in the RAAF, although i'm not quite sure on which program (degree) I should be taking that will give me more of a push into this role. Does any one know which degree would be best suited? Im only in year 11 at the moment and I only do general maths...
  3. hmoran

    Related texts for the theme of 'Journey'?

    SOMEONE PLEASE HELP what are some really good related material texts that i can use for a speech and essay with the theme of 'journeys'?
  4. hmoran

    Year 11 2014 Chat :)

    hi how exactly do you post a question...