Hi there, I'm looking for a tutor or tutors for my sister in preparation for the 2014 HSC. She needs help on Advanced English and Extension 2 Math. We live near Hurstville, thus prefer tutor(s) who are either willing to come to our place or Hurstville library. I'm looking for someone who is...
Just wondering if anyone knows the password for the online Lecturer Resources of the textbook (http://www.oup.com.au/titles/higher_ed/law/aust__and__nz_legal_system/9780195551440).
If so, it would be greatly appreciated if you could let me know via PM or something coz I really need it...
I'm sorry but I've proved you wrong. I'm currently studying at UNSW and last week I was also accepted into a few American colleges, two of which were mentioned in your post. I used to think that I was "delusional" when I applied - there would be no way my parents could afford to pay 40k/year for...
Law and Justice In Australia Foundations Of The Legal System
Australian Law Dictionary Print and Online PACK
An Introduction to International Relations 2e
Crime Criminality & Criminal Justice
Crime & Criminology 5e
PM price and condition :)
Hey :) I saw your post in the Chinese thread and was wondering if you could please send me a few past papers for both ARTS1452 and ARTS2461, as I wanted to see which one would be right for me. Thanks in advance!
I'm doing ARTS1452 (Intro Chin for Background A), though I'm not sure if it is appropriate to my level of Chinese.
Btw do we have to take a placement test or something?
Obviously I don't know OP's ATAR but he did get into business/law@UTS whose cut-off was 97.2 in the main round. So if his or her ATAR was 97.2 (which could be higher), he would definitely get into combined commerce@UNSW in the late round with the assistance of HSC Plus.
I'm doing Arts/Law (first year). Just wondering if I will receive two separate WAMs for my Arts and Law degrees or just a single WAM combined. Which one will be shown on my transcript?
Sorry for the noob question :P
I guess this pretty much applies to any international students in any countries. So according to you, they are all "less encouraged to study [overseas]" and should stay in their home countries??
Hey 4025808, I noticed from your signature that you are doing Chinese Studies at UNSW. I'm just wondering if you learn to write simplified or traditional Chinese in the course. Thanks!
Yeah I know and that's what I mean. I was only trying to clarify that the one being nominated for the AAA scholarship isn't necessarily the DUX (determined by ATAR).
Well, the deadline for nominations for AAA was 31/10/2012. How did the principals know whom the DUX (very often chosen based on ATAR) would be when their students were still sitting the HSC exams?