Recent content by gibberish86

  1. G

    The Woolworths Thread

    Hi, quick question... I've been working at woolies since April (in nightfill), the only time off I've asked for during this time was 3 nights - the nights before each of my exams. I'm in my frst year of uni and would really like to go home for the whole summer - have a summer job at home lined...
  2. G


    Just thought you'd like to know that QTAC offers are up on the website! So there's no need to wait until tomorrow morning.
  3. G

    accepting two offers

    To answer your question, yes you can. Accepting a QTAC offer will not affect you chances of getting a UAC offer. You will just have to withdraw from the QLD course if you're successfull in getting the UAC offer that you want. I am doing it, but the other way around. I have accepted my prelim...
  4. G

    delaying offers

    Go here: Offers - Division of Student Administration - Charles Sturt University and click on the offer and enrolment procedures link. In that file is info on how to defer. Hope that helps.
  5. G


    I'm pretty sure it's 1.30am. But as I said last year, and other years, they have been released slightly early. And Matt it has always been a legal requirement that they are not released early but somehow every year they seem to be.
  6. G


    I think last year QTAC offers got releases earlier than they said they would. Something like 1pm the day before I think. So keep checking that website and you may find out sooner!
  7. G

    Advanced Standing/ Credit

    It's working today! Thanks for your help.
  8. G

    Advanced Standing/ Credit

    Veterinary Science. I'm slightly excited...
  9. G

    Advanced Standing/ Credit

    I only got the offer yesterday :o - Prelim offer I think I'll give them a call tomorrow. Thanks.
  10. G

    Advanced Standing/ Credit

    It just keep saying "Sorry can't find that person" when I put in my details in the "confirming who you are" boxes...
  11. G

    Advanced Standing/ Credit

    Thanks heaps! But can I be a pain and ask another q?? I'm trying to activate my CSU login and obtain my password and such, it says that all people who were made offers should be able to do this, but it won't work. Do I actually have to wait until I accept the offer to be able to do this or is...
  12. G

    Advanced Standing/ Credit

    Hi, I'm having trouble finding information on applying for advanced standing/ credit for previous study at CSU. Does anyone know the procedure for this? Thanks.
  13. G

    odds of the ballot?

    I actually just recieved my offer today! Veterinary Science!! I guess I'll just wait until I get my CSU login and have a look on the site myself. I'd rather not live on campus because I've done the college thing before and I would also like to bring my dog. I think I might be asking a little...
  14. G

    odds of the ballot?

    I thought that you're pretty much guaranteed a spot in on-campus accomm if you're a first year. That's what i thought they said when I had a campus tour. Does anyone know where is a good place to find good student rentals and share houses in Wagga? I've looked on and there's...
  15. G

    Vet Science

    Check out this site, it might answer your question > Veterinarians - Job Outlook