Recent content by fully223

  1. fully223

    50 vs *

    free beers.. :D
  2. fully223

    so who isn't studying for trials?

    Did maths for most of the Afternoon. Past papers. Maths is going to be a slog.
  3. fully223

    Official HSC trials thread

    94% in Adv English. Well done mate. Your on your way to a top mark. Really got to sort out my notes and books and get stuck in. The exams I'm worried about is Maths. Been struggling for the last 2 years :S
  4. fully223

    Defqon1 2010

    As the scene changes, so does most of the artists. He has changed his sound from 3-4 years ago, but most of the scene has. Some play so called "Raw" hardstyle where its based on the roots of hardstyle while others such as Headhunterz are always developing and progressing with their sound...
  5. fully223

    Defqon1 2010

    I went last year. Defqon is by far the best festival in Australia by a country mile regarding sound, production, lineups and transport. Nothing will compete with it. This year looking forward to it again. Will spend most of my time in Black, Blue and Red for the finally. Black (hardcore)-...
  6. fully223

    Which year would you rate your best year of high school overall?

    Prob yr10 with the easy workload. Yr11 was also enjoyable. Yr12 is good but the pressure is building rapidly.
  7. fully223

    Official Trial HSC Exam Workshops/Seminars thread.

    HSC Exam Help and HSC Programs & Notes
  8. fully223

    Official Trial HSC Exam Workshops/Seminars thread.

    I'm doing the TSFX lecture tomorrow for 'Mastering the Exams'.
  9. fully223

    Free HSC Resources

    Message Sent :D Thanks alot for this offer. Repped+
  10. fully223

    HSC Timetable 2010

    Great timetable for me. No doubles. Only two in a row on the first week Week1 Business English AOS Week 2 English Paper 2 WEEK 3 Maths Week 4 1/11- legal studies 3/11 - IT 4/11 geography
  11. fully223

    When does school start

    Thursday. Really can't see why they can't just make it the monday.
  12. fully223

    Welcome & Roll Call - Class of 2010

    Bit late :P Subjects are in my sig.
  13. fully223

    Future Plans (UAI/Uni/Tafe/Job)

    Re: Who's aiming for Medicine? A ATAR of 85+ would be ideal. Go into IT or a related field at Uni. While at uni get part time IT help desk job or retail. Get hired in a decent job. Save for European trip and World Cup 2014.