no, it's not for catholic schools. i went to one, didn't have anything to do with crossroads. we did have "retreat" though... all that ~spiritual~ shit that no one even paid attention to.
:o i just found this thread !
... my sister is dating a 40 year old. she's 23 in june.
I haven't met the guy, despite this being their 3rd YEAR together...
oh and did i mention that he lives on the other side of the country ? >.>
oh dear god. i miss this thread.
i think i've decided that i wanna get a vintage car. or maybe work on the hotrod my uncle started before he had a kid and never finished it.
I actually find it's pretty good. there's only sometimes where i want to hit/throw my phone but that's actually quite rare for me. maybe it's just where i live ?
if you need any help with creative writing i can try to help.
My teachers told me to try to find a metaphor for belonging and start there.
I tried to do one about abuse because obviously, no one "belongs" in an abusive situation. if you want me to, i can post it up here....or something.
mine's probably gonna take me like an hour an a half, depending on how long i have to wait for a train either at granville or at central.
i'm actually not 100% sure how long it'll take me to get to North Sydney
mid to late 20s for me. i wanna have 3 kids, and i kinda wanna be young enough to play with them and run around with them and whatever before the mid life crisis sets in :P
nahh, just kidding, but i do think i'd like to have one at about 25-28 ish. i guess it depends on what i'm up to in my...
i usually just wear eyeliner, maybe a little mascara and lip gloss/balm, but i like the natural look. i like to keep it simple.
my skin is soooooo sensitive, so i can't really wear foundation or whatever, i like it better without.
i haven't heard of it before, but sounds like APM.
check out APM it's a college that gives you a degree (Bach of Business) or a diploma in whatever you want. Advertising, Marketing, Events Management, etc. i'm going there this year :3
take a look ?