Haha, thanks man. I feel a lot better, seriously. ^__^
I'm happy that you found meaning in what I've posted.
Oh my goshh~!!! Japanese colloquial mannerisms are EPIC, "ne"? XD
I don't watch the anime much, but I'm a follower of the manga.
I read the manga online, and it's getting really good!
OTAKU!!! You're the first I know to mention that term on the forums. I'm so happy, haha (n___n)
My avatar is from "Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4"
It's a great game. The storyline is so captivating.
All the cut scenes are anime! So it's like playing through an anime story.
The picture appears during battle, when you land a critical blow to the enemy.
As the enemy is in a temporary state of extreme vulnerability, the team suddenly get excited and smash the heck outta the helpless "shadow".
So when you look at my dp, imagine them saying:
"Team up!" or "Now, while the enemy's down!" or "Let's get 'em!"
Haha, random I know.
Well thanks again for the rep. Friends?

Take caree.