Recent content by ellienicholas

  1. E

    legal studies assignment question

    basically isnt human the rights given to all human beings despite there race, sex, religion, social stauts and those rights are set out in the UDHR (united declarations of human rights)
  2. E

    legal studies assignment question

    i currently have an assignment question which deals with the situations in north africa with the uprising of the poeple due to poor leadership/government. the questions is : " the 2011 military intervention in a number of norther african countries marks a new chapter in the pursuit of world...
  3. E

    how many hours do you study a day?

    since about term 2 i have been managing to do 5-6- hours a day and if assignments and exams are approaching ill up the hours to about 8 :)
  4. E

    u did life is beautiful???? do u rekon u could give me a few hints in l LIB cause we have to do...

    u did life is beautiful???? do u rekon u could give me a few hints in l LIB cause we have to do an essay at the moment the statement being all journeys have an impact and i was trying to look for impacts on the characters in the movie life is beautiful, if u have any idea please let me no:) thxs xxx