Recent content by DoomBuggy

  1. DoomBuggy

    What have you eaten today? far i've had about 5 gummi bears my friend gave me...
  2. DoomBuggy

    The best food combinations ever

    Salt & Vinegar crinkle cut chips (the thin ones break too easily) with peanut butter Me and two of my friends had Lime and Black pepper chips with Entice chocolate icecream and a starburst gummy/malteser on top Om Nom Although they're not a food Ginger Beer and Passiona go really well...
  3. DoomBuggy

    Dragon Books?

    Dragons of Autumn Twilight By Margaret Weis and Tracey Hickman, it's the first book in the Chronicles Trilogy :)
  4. DoomBuggy

    Fantasy novels

    The Nightrunner Series by Lynn Flewelling are good, the first book is Luck In The Shadows If you haven't read any of Tolkien's work, you should get into that. Dragons of Autumn Twilight is the first book in a series that i'm addicted to, it's by Margaret Weis and Tracey Hickman Damn - i...
  5. DoomBuggy

    That is nasty
  6. DoomBuggy

    Ummm... I'll say that it isn't the best in the world...just to annoy you... :)

    Ummm... I'll say that it isn't the best in the world...just to annoy you... :)
  7. DoomBuggy

    What an emo looking DP dude...

    What an emo looking DP dude...
  8. DoomBuggy

    Grace! Stop bumming around on BOS! DO some work! LOL

    Grace! Stop bumming around on BOS! DO some work! LOL
  9. DoomBuggy

    What would you do in this situation?

    I told my art teacher about it, she said she'd talk to them, but i doubt that they'll listen, my art teacher's the head of Visual Arts so i hope it'll help. I got really annoyed before i talked to her, since i saw that the year 11's had opened up my cabinet and used my Inktense pencils...
  10. DoomBuggy

    What would you do in this situation?

    If the SRC doesn't do anything i'm going to spam their suggestion box full of complaints the next time i have a study! There's three doors into the verandah, one from the senior artroom, one from the French room that's beside the artroom and a sliding glass door near the sinks. I don't think...
  11. DoomBuggy

    What would you do in this situation?

    I walked past one of them last lesson and i wanted to smack her in the face....grr We were going to try and go to the assistant principal.... but he was really pissed off today. Horrible thing is, I toyed with the idea of either coming back next year and messing up their spaces or paying some...
  12. DoomBuggy

    Online Biology study group

    Sounds cool. I'd join :)
  13. DoomBuggy

    What would you do in this situation?

    We have a senior art room at school and an enclosed verandah that adjoins it. The verandah is specifically for the year 12's, we have our own workspaces in there and can leave our work on our benches without fearing that people will come in there and screw it up. WRONG. Some of the year 11's...
  14. DoomBuggy

    What did you do all holidays?

    I should have been working on my BOW and my PIP a bit more but i just haven't been stuffed to do much... But i did do the RSA and RCG courses on Thursday and Friday... so i did do something worthwhile that contributes to my future! haha I'm glad i finished my Half yearlies before the...
  15. DoomBuggy


    Heck yes i want a big fucking television, i want it now. Like Nana said, it's your work - if you want to put some quotes in that have profanity in them go ahead and put it in, i'd like to see the art with a big fucking television in it