I customised it perfectly but den
when I click on allocate similar timetable or view current timetable that same old wack shit comes up with someone else's subjects enrolled
yes yes yes
I also wrote a big spiel about this idea because it is wrong! Introverts have many unique and important qualities and are a great addition to any law cohort imo. If you're hoping to become a lawyer, then yes, being shy may be a problem, but there are so many different avenues that you can take...
So I wrote a massive spiel about the benefits of doing a double degree but then my computer shitted itself and it all deleted and now I am too disillusioned to retype everything
but I was getting very enthusiastic
and my main point was that you should definitely study law and science. I...
I know that USyd takes ATAR over GPA if you've studied for less than a year. I'd say that UNSW would be the same.
The course I applied for at UTS has always been extremely popular for NRSL (Design/Visual Communication) so I guess that's why they have more qualifications for admission. Plus it...
That's what I did- studied for one semester and then took the second semester off so I could take some time to decide what I wanted to do. Most universities will take your ATAR over your WAM/GPA if you've studied less than 1 full year, but NOT ALL, so be careful. :)
Ie, I didn't get into a...
Shame that you have such terrible lecturers. There's an extremely nutty one at USyd but there's also a brilliant one, her lectures are always packed. I used to sit in on them before I was even studying psych. Just the luck of the draw I guess. Hopefully you'll have a better tutor.
Genuinely not sure if trolling,
buuuuut yeah it is actually very difficult to become a registered psychologist. As I'm sure you'd know if you're studying it, to become a registered psych you need to do your 3 year undergrad majoring in psych, then make it into honours (which is extremely...
b Psychology after transferring from a b Arts (Adv)(Hons) last year! Hurrah.
Did second year subjects in my first year, now I'm doing first year subjects in my second year. MY LIFE MAKES SENSE.
Not sure about UWS, but I know that at UTS you have to supply all the things like markers/pencils etc yourself (if you need them), but they have computer labs with the adobe suite on them for you to use. If you're ok with doing all your design work at uni this is ok, but if not you might want to...
Oh ok, I'm not sure, maybe check with the institution.
I have a friend who started a degree at UOW, has transferred to UNSW for this year but suspended her degree at UOW for a year in case she wants to go back. I assume it would work the same way with deferral, but perhaps not. Just call to...
I'd accept both. If you're really undecided, I'd suggest picking the one that you're leaning more towards and then deferring or suspending your enrolment at the other institution. That way, if next year you decide you've picked the wrong thing, you can always have that other course as a backup...
That's really, really silly. She should have finished that degree and just done another one! Or done masters! That's such a lot of time to waste.
As for scholarship, no I don't think it works that way! I've never heard of people having to pay back a scholarship. I guess it depends on the terms...