yep - I'm a member of the Engineering Music Society and it's fabulous!
It's a club for people who have played an instrument/sung in high school (either in a high school band/choir or just had music lessons) and wants to keep up their skill but in a social way. There are no ability requirements...
you should try selling cigarettes at dan murphys!
Our policy is lowest liquor prices guaranteed, so our cigarettes aren't cheap - in fact they are more expensive than safeway, coles, and just about anywhere else. We also don't have a huge range - generally the most popular ones in the most...
If you think you might find eco a bit dry, go for a double degree with arts or law (or whatever you are interested in).
I don't know how much you know about Melbourne Uni, but that's where I am doing a bachelor of arts but with an economics major. I love the eco because I get to learn useful...
Re: If a person finishes a degree, can they actually get into any degree after that..
Yeah sorry about that - I go to melbourne so I suppose it's the one I drew most of my info from and it is leaning towards going in a US direction with all its course (including only offering Law at postgrad...
Watch the West Wing (if you're interested in the US political/legal system). It's not on tv anymore, but you can borrow it from the video store.
Not only is it an awesome and entertaining show, it really explores the US legal system (from a White House perspective) in some detail and gives a...
Re: If a person finishes a degree, can they actually get into any degree after that..
my sister got an ENTER (VCE) of 98.15 and didn't get into medicine because she didn't do well enough on the UMAT which is the undergraduate health sciences entrance exam thing.
I know postgraduate law also...
I don't know why you would want to know this because it shouldn't affect any decisions you make at all, but i'll give you the facts as far as I can tell.
I do a couple of commerce subjects, and without being at all racist, the majority of people who study commerce are international students...
From experience in tutorials and lectures (at Melbourne Uni anyway) they are very much on the left side of the spectrum, with quite a few being far left. The occassional conservative gets shouted down in tutorials and everyone knows who the conservatives are doing their subject.
Having said...
It's nice to see people appreciate the Melbourne Uni bookshop becuase it really is good most of the time.
But beware - you are going to come to hate it in the next few weeks when the lines take up the whole shop, you can hardly get in the doorway for all the people, and it takes half an hour...
in lectures, it certainly means people won't get a seat - and they generally don't allow people to sit in isles for health and safety reasons, so they don't have a choice but to repeat the lecture.
In tutes you can probably just take chairs from other rooms...
the people who run melbourne uni must be some of the least intelligent beings on the planet!
Every single tutorial for intermediate microeconomics is either full or overfull, so nobody can change tutes on alloc8. Hence, I get bombarded with emails from random students saying 'I have tuesday...
I have 12 contact hours and mine is spread over five days.
Provided I am able to change my tutes around to how I want them:
Monday: 11-12.30
Tuesday: 2.15 - 5.45
Wednesday: 2.15 to late (concert band after classes)
Thursday: 2.15-5.15
Friday: 11-12
Did I mention I live an hour away by...
I'm not sure about them making it cheaper because it leads to low salary jobs???
Most of the difference is in use of equipment/technology - all you need for most arts subjects is a lecture theatre and some tute rooms, wheras science requires practical labs and microscopes etc etc etc which are...
If people have a problem with each other at university it is more likely to be a difference of opinion than anything related to the way they look, speak or act. At uni the differences in appearance are completely irrelevant - people are interested in your mind, your opinions, your theories, your...
back on the topic of breadth - there are endless options available. Just about all Arts subjects are offered as breadth, so lots and lots of first years take Global Politics or Australian Politics as breadth. It gives you a nice intro into how your political system works and the big issues in...