Recent content by cmiranda5151

  1. C

    Help in finding Distinctly Visual materials

    Um, what is leunig? :confused:
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    Image: Henry Lawson Short Stories

    Would anybody be able to help me with finding some examples of quotes that are distinctly visual and the effect they have on the reader within The Drover's Wife, The Loaded Dog and any one of the other 2? (In a Dry Season + Joe Wilson's Courtship) :confused: Thank You
  3. C

    Help in finding Distinctly Visual materials

    Would anyone happen to have any suggestions on 'Distinctly Visual' materials? :( For example, Robert Frost- 'After Apple-Picking' Thank You :)
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    I need Help in finding a material that is Distinctly Visual

    I have an essay on the concept of Belonging, with reference to 'The Rabbits' By John Marsden, and a poem By Philip Larkin that is called The Whitsun Weddings. I need help in finding a supplementary material of my own that is 'distinctly visual' :( Does anyone happen to have any suggestions...
  5. C

    The Crucible and Belonging

    Re: Belonging Essay Help with refernce to The Crucible hehe Thank You :)
  6. C

    Belonging Essay Help

    Actually that is only a small faction of what I have spoken about within my core texts, I have completed my essay, though I am willing to see others opinions/information on those examples :)
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    The Crucible and Belonging

    Belonging Essay Help with refernce to The Crucible What are the techniques within these quotes in "The Crucible"; ( e.g, Emotive Language, Metaphor, Colloquial Language so on so forth) 1) Abigail: Let either of you breathe a word, or the edge of a word, about the other things, and I will come...
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    Belonging Essay Help

    I Have completed an essay on the concept of belonging with reference to Three related texts, I am trying to limit the use of words as much as possible and I need help with doing so. One of my related texts is "Gattaca" By Andrew Niccol, I need to know what scenes the examples I have used are...
  9. C

    I need a Thesis

    well I personally think it is both, a need is for survival, whilst the desire is not necessarily to belong, people can desire not to belong. Does anybody have an example thesis that I can use as a starter? with refernce to my three supplementary materials? :(
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    I need a Thesis

    I have an essay on the concept of belong, in which I was given a quote which I then was required to discuss with reference to three materials, the quote is; "To belong or not to belong is a basic human desire or need" 'disscuss this with reference to The Crucible, The Rabbits, and "Gattaca"'...
  11. C

    Definitions of Active, Passive, and Negative Belonging

    Thank You :) Ofcourse I have Watched the movie.... I would not be using it if I had not :uhhuh: lol ThanK You!
  12. C

    Definitions of Active, Passive, and Negative Belonging

    Hello :wave: Would anybody happen to have a Good Definition for Passive Belonging, and Negative Belonging? :idea: I am doing an essay on Belonging with refernce to the "The Crucible" By Arthur Miller, "The Rabbits" By John Marsden and Shaun Tan, and "Gattaca" By Andrew Niccol. Does...
  13. C

    Belonging speech on ANYTHING

    Hello :wave: Does anybody have a Good Definition for Passive Belonging, and Negative Belonging? :idea: Im new to this site so if im posting questions in the wrong spots sorry. Thank You