I am your average girl-dork or doofus and I'm too hyperactive for my age of nineteen years. My friend would say "she's high on life."
I want to indulge in all things crafty [I want to learn origami and learn how to sew] and learn how to play instruments [e.g. drums and harp], perfect my french, learn hip hop dancing or do capuera [however way you spell that] and to take singing lessons!
If anybody can help me out [referring to my biography] & you are a conformer of myspace, pm me here & we can be friends!
- Gender
- Academic Programme
I took 2u[adv] Maths, Biology, French, Ancient History, Adv. Eng, SOR
- Political Views
- Favourite Music
My hearing is open to all sorts of music.
- Occupation
- Future Plans
- Industry Interests
Healthcare/Medical, Science/Biotechnology
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