www.skydrive.com | It has been classified in the category/ies Online Storage| 20 May 2010 | Acts as a storage location from my Home to school without the use of Flash Drives and such.... So much easier.
Don't get a great laptop for uni you mean haha.
I personally would never purchase a HP branded computer or anything HP or Compaq due to previous experiences... However the quality of their products may have changed since our old P4 ;)
Re: Restricting Internet Access via Router to Selected PCs (IP Addresses) on Home Net
Haha! Success.
Thankyou for your help. I never thought of doing that :)
Now I have to wait till the 27th cause they used all our downloads the nubs!
Thankyou once again :)
Re: Restricting Internet Access via Router to Selected PCs (IP Addresses) on Home Net
Nope there's no QoS unfortunantly.
haha. Yeah I have tried that. I don't think our network is set up correctly because nothing happens. All network related commands say that the computer does not exist...
Now... I'm getting quite sick of being lagged while playing online multiplayer games because of stupid people who spend hours watching youtube... So I want to turn their internet off.
I have tryed Remote Desktop Connection (which failed) to disable their internet connection, so the only other...
I also have a IMATE JASJAM.
I Flashed the rom so it is now running a Manila 2D version of Windows Mobile 6.5 so it is more "finger frendly" (and I was sick of the boringness of WM5)
As for battery life, I have no trouble at all. I get through a whole day with 90% battery still left.
"Try reconnecting the device. If Windows still does not recognise it, replace the device" - Recommendation by Windows XP
Apparently no problems are due to Microsoft programs or devices. It's always what you're trying to use with they're software. Microsoft products are "compatible" with...