my subjects are
Mathematics 2U
Physics 2U
Chemistry 2U
Biology 2U
Advanced English 2U
I desperately need the 96 ATAR for the course I wanna get in. When I put some marks in an ATAR calculator it tells me it is possible to get 96 . But everyone tells me it is impossible to get a <90...
My average so far has been 82% consistently since year 10. Although i study hard, I only get left out with a highest mark of 90 always, never a high band 6. I need a high band 6 to get into Biomedicine in MelbUni
MY TECHNIQUE : Read textbook, memorise content, do end of chapter questions...
take excell it has detailed solutions to questions, questions are organised in a better way, there are extensive examples. However, CC is just another text book. I suggest study theory from CC do questions from Excell, if you dont know anything, just look at the answer in the book.
My subjects are
Mathematics 2U
Physics 2U
CHemistry 2U
English Advance 2U
Biology 2U
Like people who have had these subjects before, have you had a double exam day ? Is it highly likely or less ?
I have the subjects -
Mathematics 2U
Physics 2U
Chemistry 2U
Biology 2U
Standard English 2U
I know it is possible to get a 99 ATAR with these subjects, but generally do people get such ATAR with these subjects ? Do I have to take high scaling subjects to get a decent ATAR ? I wanna...