I'm quite certain you're etched into the BOS HOF. The amount of students you've helped, including myself, is fkn insane, always good to have such an amazing person like you around who volunteers to help others, and often with solutions that are wacky and wonderful (be it seemingly insanely tedious to type lol). Thank you
I do enjoy helping others and am glad to make a contribution here at BoS. I have a smile on my face as I type this as it feels good to receive compliments / acknowledgement / appreciation. As a general rule, people take the time to express feelings of disappointment or to make a complaint more readily than they do to express appreciation or to offer thanks. I take the likes on my posts as a form of thanks but especially appreciate when someone takes the time to post something nice. So, thank you, Jojofelyx. As it happens, I've been having some COVID-related and BoS-unrelated stresses lately, so seeing this morning has really brightened my day.
I'm also glad that, when my solutions are "wacky", they are also wonderful.

In my own teaching, I try to cover not only the standard solutions but also the alternatives that may be helpful in other cases. Being able to see different approaches is helpful in developing thinking skills that are so valuable in life (not to mention at the end of an MX2 paper!) and yet they are not well captured in crude assessment measures like the ATAR - there was an interesting article published in the Guardian today about alternatives to the ATAR that touches on this point as well. So, I am quite deliberately using my BoS posts to help readers to think and reflect in ways that are underdeveloped by schooling. I have taught and researched at tertiary level and can state without hesitation that some very high achieving students come in with quite a narrow set of skills, albeit with highly developed skills for handling HSC assessments. Anyway, that is somewhat off-topic so I'll leave that line of thought here. (EDIT: I have
started a thread with a link to the Guardian article. END EDIT)
I truly hope that my contributions are helping not only those whose questions are getting a direct response, but also others who are reading. And, I encourage everyone to contribute support and help to each other. Everyone will make mistakes at times and this isn't a cause for embarrassment. In the areas that I post, if something needs correction or there are alternatives, please trust that someone will add to a thread so you can learn by helping others without worrying that contributions may be problematic in some way. As Jojofelyx notes, some of my posts take a while to type and a brief note in correction or posting an alternative saves me time while also developing your skills through scaffolding for each other.