You're just making it bigger by offering your grand opinion. All this arrogance, man I don't even know where to begin. You take the 'holier than thou' approach Crisium has adopted, to a new fking level. Last time I recalled, one person can't start up an argument by themselves.
You know what? Dude, just stop. Every single fking time you seem to type a new post just kills me a little bit more inside, you know? Yes we all know what happened last time, and I just have to say I thought I made my undying gratitude to your contributions last time clear. That post was meant to be sarcastic in case you still haven't realized or thought it was disturbingly wrong for someone to thank you for being a hypocrite. You're welcome.
Next time you want to say something to me? Yeah, maybe, just maybe, man up a lil and say it to my face?
Or - idk, by your beloved PM? Hypocrite.
No, not really. But I totally respect your uh slightly off delusions
Wow. One sentence. One sentence and BOOM know it all. And it wasn't even a sentence dripped in sarcasm.
I'm impressed lol
If you don't like the mini essays, don't read it LOL. TBH alot of things wouldn't have escalated as fast as it did sweet pie.
Wait, wait, you told me to PM speed about the atar crap? Really?
How come I had no idea?
OH WAIT. Did you tell me AFTER the shitstorm had happened? Cuz, you know, bad timing and all that. Dayum, could've avoided the whole thing - but then again Crisium and nerd had a kick out of it, so it was all worth it <3 (You're welcome you two, never say I don't take care of you)
I still don't get the superiority thing. Are you sure you and speed weren't the elitist jerks who thinks they're know oh so much more than some year 11s because (OMG) you're a year older? No need to diss the younger years sweetheart.
No, you need to lighten the fk up. And you while you're at it, grow the fk up. Pfft if you didn't want to write an exemplar, why didn't you say so? ;o
Well actually, I was being half serious in my post to you.
But hey, everyone -cough crisium- was being serious so

Go figure.
Uh, problem is, I'm not pomsky. So I'm not like, you know, expected to take the crap?
Not sure if serious... I'm pretty sure only thing I told you was to write an exemplar LOL If anything you're bitching - the irony makes me laugh so hard but I know it doesn't make you a shit person, even though I'm pretty sure you're just stressed out about the trials and want to take it out here. (Thanks crisium)
Guys maybe consider that maybe, just maybe, telling teriarse to write an exemplar wasn't meant to be serious? Lmao. Because you know, the very idea of an exemplar study journal isn't meant to be oh so serious.
Either way, I'm out. I'd rather not another 'Take it here fiction' thread starting (I hate to disappoint you Crisium and Nerd)