Re: What absurd things have people done in your school due to competition and rivalry
This pretty much - you just have to rise above it and not let it get to you. Not to sound arrogant, but being one of the top guys in my year, I always got the little snide remarks, trash talk and psych outs from people but I could honestly care less. My policy was and still is that I dont engage in trash talk before or after an exam - I would let the results speak for me (to be honest though, I could really have cared less about the competition and stuff). Besides, my mentality with the HSC was to focus on myself and doing everything I could to ensure that I was the best I could possibly be. You can't get thrown by these mind games.There will always be craziness in HSC, and it's a little saddening to hear people don't mellow in uni.
Honestly ignore;
*Bitchy comments/Psyching comments
*Passive agressive tweets/FB comments
*Hiding resources
And you'll be doing yourself a world of good. If people put that extra effort in being hostile to other high performing students into their studies, they could probs do better themselves. The HSC is part a mindgame of not being drawn into pettiness or anxiety about exams etc.
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