I agree

And I was just thinking about some good teachers I've had and another thing came to mind!

You might disagree with me but I think it's good if you call on students regardless of whether they have raised their hand or not. Sure it might embarrass some students if they get the answer wrong but in that situation, teachers I've had usually go to another student and then come back to them and usually they get the answer correct!

It means that everyone can participate and everyone will listen knowing that the teacher might ask them a question. Our commerce teacher does this and we all listen because we don't want to be in the situation where we are asked a question and we don't know the answer.
Also if a student is getting an answer wrong, don't say that they are on the right track if they aren't. Some teachers do this when the student was not on the right track at all. I say this because the student that had the right answer might think that their answer is wrong so sometimes you do need to say no