i just hope the hamlet question isnt too specific EG: role of women in the play or some bullshit like that. However, i reckon they might do something similar to this years CSSA hamlet question. Creative section of belonging all together is crap, hate creatives!!! mod a and mod c ive got all covered, i hope...
I'll be honest, I found the CSSA paper altogether this year piss easy. We study Romulus, My Father as a prescribed for Belonging, Frankenstein and Blade Runner for Mod A, Hamlet for Mod B, Ted Hughes' poetry for Conflicting Perspectives.
The Hamlet question was in its essence a regurgitation of the 2011 HSC question. It merely wanted you to refer to all sections of the text. The reason is that in the past years, students have ignored certain sections of Hamlet and quoted solely from the beginning or the middle Acts or the end rather than explore the text from start to finish. This was a method of ensuring that students study the text as a whole rather than 1 section. I don't think this year will be like last year's question. Unfortunately I think it'll be like the 2009 or 2010 question where they specified loyalty as a theme and ask you on your perception of it. Fingers crossed it's not role of women or human relationships or something silly like that
I think this year Conflicting Perspectives for the Hughes poetry might see a curveball. The questions have been pretty easy in the last few years so I'm thinking they might specify a poem or go with 2 related texts. Hamlet might actually be a different text type to write in e.g. a letter, an interview, a speech, etc, but even then Hamlet I find is the hardest part of Advanced (albeit the most interesting) because the text is so enormous you can never predict the question! I think the possibility that question itself will make us struggle hard is quite likely for Hamlet. I just hope that whatever they do for Belonging and Conflicting they have 2 related texts and for the Belonging theme to not be something specific like culture or family. If they want to test us I think it's better that they say 2 relateds than to specify something that could potentially see some texts gain an advantage over others. Hopefully the Belonging creative will be a generic stimulus based story although something like an interview would also be fun.
I am just praying that the questions work out for me because I really need my Advanced to be over 96