Re: UWS Chatter Thread
Oh, and I feel rather ironic at the moment... downloading illegally in a law class lol :/
I know a few people at UNSW who got their internet privileges taken away for a year because they were caught.
Okay guise update, Eurovision entries this year so far suck major. Seriously Iceland, so shit. And Greece...yeah being on stage some eye candy to take the people's attention away from the shit song and her shit voice. And Latvia your "beautiful song" made my ears bleed.
Hope Moldova is good this year. they were fantastic last year and they deserved to win.
Moldova... last year. No, Moldova two years ago deserved to win - EPIC SAX GUY come on
And Greece was gr8. Personally, I welcome when these countries decide to send out attractive women in little clothing to sing and dance for three minutes. It's part of the Eurovision spectacle.
(also we have a eurovision thread you know

Did you guise see Russia?...Babooshki?? They were awesome!!!!! 10/10!!!
You liked that? I preferred Israel's novelty entry.
Still better than the snippet of eurovision I saw dear God albania hurt my ears
It hurt everyone's ears. Believe it or not, I rate that as not the worst I've seen.
hahaha. I love indian shows/movies. Theyre the best. Man I love corny Bollywood movies (dont judge guise). Im voting for the Eurovision unofficial winner.
I voted: Russia, Montenegro and Cyprus.
Cyprus? So you... say "greece is bad because they send out a girl to do whatnot" but Cyprus did the same thing
is nursing fun thrillkiller? i remember i wanted to do nursing.. then i realised i was a dude
muahaha, muahahahaha!
I have a friend doing Nursing at UWS Hawkesbury. He's a guy.