I just finished half yearlies so I went through a bunch of movies.
Lost in Translation- Quite good and had some funny as well as serious moments. I was particularly intrigued by it because it encapsulated exactly how I felt when I was on my vacation to China. 7/10
Moneyball- It's been quite a while since I watched this and I'm still thinking about the story. I was crying at the end of the movie and I didn't even know why... Jonah Hill was also adorable. 7.5/10
Beginners- After watching this, all I felt was drained of emotion. I was so "into" the story that I felt the emotions with all the characters. It's a beautiful little story and Christopher Plummer deserved that Oscar. 8.5/10
The fifth element- Good action movie. Entertaining and shows us a glimpse of a very interesting future. Quite enjoyable. 7/10
Trainspotting- A strange film. Loved the beginning and ending. I felt so scared and traumatised along with the main character. There were a few moments where I lost interest but I can see why people love it. 7/10
50/50- I was disappointed with this film probably because I was so excited for another Joseph-Gordon Levitt movie. I laughed a bit. I felt sad. I think the film had a lot more potential but it's still not a bad film. 6/10
Off to watch more movies now
