english assessment: 3 tasks out of 4 finished (and the fourth is literally 100 words so shouldn't take more than about 5 minutes)
poster presentation: akiSD9UQBNFJKADS8DEF9WNF fuck off I thought I left this shit behind in high school. I'm not a very visual person so I find this kind of thing irritating plus I feel like I'm spending more time cutting and gluing shit than I am actually doing anything useful
Guys, who knows what the heck is going on with Modern British Literature?
Today's monday tuts are cancelled cos Peter Marks is overseas so does that mean the rest of the tutorials for this week are also cancelled so everyones on the same page? What about Anzac Day?
And what's all this shifting the lectures around?! Do the presentation weeks stay the sameeeeee?
My lab partner is having trouble with them and wants me to send her the answers. That doesn't bode well for me. :s They look ok so far though. Just need to keep looking up stuff.