Oh so they treat their wives like shit; make them sit in the back seats of cars, arrange marriages between HIGHLY incompatible people, stone wives, daughters, sisters, mothers to death if they refuse sex or 'dishonor' a family in anyway even though it's stated its a last resort of continued adultery, force them to sell their bodies, both sex and organ wise for money and then severing their heads if they refuse to participate sex and have children because she's worried it will inherit a horrible disorder? And these piggish people get to go to heaven and have their way with 72 virgins when they die?
Was he on 'shrooms or something? Oh wait, I forgot, it's his religion. He gets away with all of this only to defile the holiest place of all by turning it into a common whorehouse for a bunch or murderers and terroists.
Sex, death and sacrifice. That's religion for ya :O/.