Heyys! Good Luck to future HSCers.
Wow, the thought of me in two years time is kinda scaring me, besides the fact that i'm gonna age , ugghh gonna miss those kiddy years

Anyone on the same chain of thoughts as me?
Well, i've always wanted to be part of the medicine- obstetrician team [deeply inspired by bosco in tvb moonlight resonance] but i'm pretty hopeless in science, so if i don't make it then probably accounting or teaching maths or history. 
Are you taking Biology? Taking Biology is not necessary for medicine, as there are no assumed knowledge subjects, but my psychiatrist (lol I'm psycho!

) said it would help and she has a B Med (from England, I think)
Also, wtf at "I'm bad at science so I'll never make it"? That is SO not true. Science is the best subject because: YOU CAN never GET TOO FAR BEHIND. There is plenty of time over the next 18 months of the HSC for you to work hard at science, and if you're taking it, maths.
Don't worry about it if you're bad at science. A Band 5 should give sufficient scaling to help you if you can pull one or two other Band 5's and two high Band 6's in your main ten units. That should be enough to get the 93.00 ATAR for UWS if you live in GWS (Greater Western Sydney) and the 95.00 for all other applicants and all other Australian medicine schools at universities across the country and world.
I recommend for MB,BS and B Med:
1) UWS (easy to get to, full accredited degree for practice in Australia+New Zealand and
the degree is only five year long (5 years FT fulltime)
2) UNSW - 6 year degree Kensington campus
rural experience is required to pass the course
3) University of Newcastle&University of New England - Bachelor of Medicine. Fully accredited medicine/surgery practice (practice meaning experience in surg. is a requirement, as for all medicine courses) degree - 5years
4) Monash in VIC - 5 years
5) JCU in Qld - 6 years,
NO UMAT required.