Using examples, explain the impact of tax reform in the australian economy over the past decade
In 2000,
the new taxation system was introduced which included;
The introduction of the GST which replaced the sales tax and some state taxes.
It also reduced marginal taxation rates (MTR's) so that the majority of Australians pay no more than 30% of their incomes in tax.
Lower compliance costs of taxation for individuals and businesses with the replacement of several income taxes with the simplified PAYG system
The states and territories reveive all the GST revenue to finance some of thier spending
A reduction in the company rate of tax fom 36% to 30% and lower rates of capital gains tax.
Reforming the taxation system will improve resource allocation and the incentives to work, save and in invest. Since 2000 and including the 2003/4/5/6 and 2007 budgets all included changes in MTR's and tax thresholds were introduced along with the increase in tax thresholds to take into account 'bracke creep'.
More recently in the 2007-8 budget government co-contribution of $1,500 payment into the superannuation accounts of low income earners was introduced. In the 2008/9 budget the gov't announced a comprehensive revier of Australia's tax system to make it simpler, fairer and more effecient. A major goal was to reduce the number of MTR's from four to three, and the top two MTR's from 45% to 40% and 40% to 30%. This would further increase demand for goods and services but also increase savings, which both
add to the circular flow of income helping to expand the economy.
A bit long but i hope this helps.. Didn't explain to much but this is not an exam

so to bad